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Mia Holdgaard
Stylist, Art Director, Creative Consultant & DJ
Tel: +45 2876 3650
Swatch, Warner Music, Clarks Shoes, Sony Music, Thrillist, Superior Magazine, Universal Music, Dansk Flygtningehjælp, Discowax,
Bestseller, Minimum, Noise PR, Huawei, Gina Tricot, CPH Records,
Sikkerhedsstyrelsen, Jyllandsposten, Gant Rugger, Canon Europe,
Vice Magazine, Danish Music Awards, EKKO, Q magazine,
The Perfect V, Euroman, Eurowoman,Glass Mgmt, Jabra
X-factor (2016, 2017, 2019 & 2020), Berlingske, Wilhemina Models,
Gaffa, Invoise Magazine, GHD, Ellen Pedersen, Aether Magazine,
TV2, DR Social Works, Gulddreng, Brandon Beal, Skinz, Dúné,
Christopher, Nicklas Kunz, Faustix, Cph Fashion Week, Miami Swim Week, Remee,Svea, Alexander Oscar, Karl William, Lord Siva, Malte Ebert, MoodyKongsted, Rasmus Seebach, Ea Kaya, Guldtuben, DR tv,
TV2, Reem, Discovery, Mattias Kolstrup, Drew, Magnus Millang
Marcus & Martinus, Nico & Vinz, Thomas Hayes
and many more.
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